

Dr. Kim DiRé provides consultations to therapists, parents, and businesses/corporations around the world. Consultations are done in office or via Telephone, Skype, FaceTime and Google Video Chat. Consultations cost $200 (US dollars) per hour session. To schedule a session, please contact Dr. Kim DiRé. When the time is confirmed via email, please make a payment to reserve the consultation session by using the button below.

Types of Treatments

Dr. Kim DiRé utilizes the following types of treatment for individuals, families, couples, and group sessions singularly or in combination of during treatment and recovery.

Somatic Experiencing ® Trauma Healing – healing therapy developed by Peter Levine, PhD aimed at relieving the symptoms of mental and physical trauma that holds in the body sensations or somatic experiences that mirrors the adaptation of animals in the wild as a way to complete self-protective responses when under life-threatening situations. We as humans are in a sense ‘caged’ animals and are prone to trauma dysregulation of the autonomic nervous system. The face-to-face sessions involve a client tracking his/her experience of their own felt-sense and are with guidance able to discharge the aroused energy of the trauma responses that did not get completed to fruition to a regulated state by engaging the parasympathetic nervous system to a more restorative system and better capacity to regulate themselves when activated. The SE therapy also includes the Trauma Touch Healing, which works well for attachment ruptures in early developmental trauma. Click here to read more about trauma.

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) –  this form of psychotherapy was developed by Marsha Linehan, PhD to treat people with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). The standard cognitive-behavioral techniques combines with mindfulness and radical acceptance to help develop client’s skills for regulating emotions, replacing maladaptive behaviors with adaptive ones, managing crisis, asserting in a respectful way effective communication to others their wants, and calming the body. There are four DBT modules of skills training. They are Core Mindfulness, Emotion Regulation, Interpersonal Effectiveness, and Distress Tolerance.

Clinical Hypnotherapy –  clinical hypnosis is using an altered state of consciousness for a therapeutic endpoint. Clients are treated in hypnosis not with hypnosis. The subconscious mind is often a source of stored beliefs, habits, behaviors, self-images and behaviors. It is also a great source of personal unrecognized strengths, knowledge, and wisdom to open potential and find solutions to problems and concerns in a natural and effective process.

SHAPEDOWN – a weigh management program for children and adolescents and their families who are struggling with weight, health, nutrition, self-esteem, family communication, and exercise. The program was developed by the members of the University of California in San Francisco, School of Medicine including scientific understandings of nutrition, exercise physiology, endocrinology, psychology, family therapy, adolescent medicine, family medicine, behavioral therapy, and developmental pediatrics. The 10-week program involves the whole family in the therapy care and treatment. Emotional support, social dynamics, life-enriching activities in movement and lifestyle changes are offered to children and adolescents for them to take more responsibility for their own health and wellbeing.

KidShape – this program was developed by Naomi Neufeld, MD, FACE twenty-five years ago when she started seeing an increasing number of overweight children suffering from diseases seen in obese adults. This program is scientifically proven to helping children and teens lose weight and keeping it off for at least two years. Increased self-esteem, healthier eating habits, more physically active, improved ability to deal with teasing, weight stabilization and decreased rate of weight gain, Body Mass Index (BMI) improvement, lowered blood pressure, increase stamina, and increased family unity are some of the benefits of the program.  Contracting, self-monitoring, role modeling, and positive reinforcement help to make changes. KidShape also celebrated cultural and diversity issues of families living in American.

Awareness Wheel – this type of skills training applies to both self and in relationship to others. It is a helpful tool to differentiate behavior and creating an inventory, close the interpersonal gap, and gain immediate responses and immediacy to what is communicated at the moment. Sherod Miller, PhD and Phyllis Miller, PhD created simple techniques to communicate ‘straight talk’ for achieving success as a communicator. Whatever the issues in relationship to yourself, a person you are dating, a spouse, business group, employees, children, or friend/s communicate about your goals, emotions, weight, losses, essential information of sensations, interpretations, feelings, intentions and actions can be clarified and expressed.

Dr. Kim DiRé provides services designed to help clients and families manage and balance their lives in a safe environment. She helps people with:

  • Eating Disorders
  • Disordered Eating
  • Emotional Eating
  • Childhood Obesity
  • Anxiety
  • Stress
  • Depression
  • Anger Management
  • Phobias
  • Adjustment Disorders
  • Communication Skills
  • Feeding Issues of Infancy and Childhood
  • Gastric Surgery Counseling
  • Lap-band Surgery Counseling
  • Pre and Post Surgery Preparation and Recovery
  • Attachment Disorders and Issues
  • Attention Deficit – Hyperactivity Disorder
  • Early Developmental Trauma
  • Trauma – PTSD
  • Car Accident Trauma
  • Family Adjustments/Counseling
  • Couples Counseling
  • Disassociative Identity Disorder
  • Sexual Abuse
  • Domestic Abuse
  • Borderline Personality Disorder